Employer-Sponsored Internships

How Work-Based Learning (WBL) Fuels Both Student & Employer Outcomes

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Evaluating Gateway’s innovations and WBL programs for high school students.

Updated: October 10, 2023


Understanding the Landscape

How the Challenges of Today Help Us Prepare for Tomorrow’s World

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The future of work is rapidly changing, which can be challenging to address in the education system.

What can we foresee? Why is it urgent?

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Demystify the Future of Work & Education

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Understand the Urgency for Career Education

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Demystify the Future of Work & Education

The only thing certain about the future is that it's uncertain. That means we need to identify and execute a resilient educational strategy to set students up for success, no matter the circumstances.

85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet,¹ with technology transforming more than 1 billion jobs.²

Grasp the Growing Trends and Projections

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Skills-based hiring: employers are shifting to skills-based hiring (matching skills to tasks), rather than potential-based (matching degrees and/or talent to jobs). Upskilling is a must.

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Work-based learning: hands-on experiences develop young adults’ skills and help employers recruit trained-talents. Internships are highly impactful and sought after.

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Digital skills: all industries are evolving into tech companies with automation and AI at the forefront. Innovation is racing to meet people's needs.

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Hybrid work and flexibility: a more dispersed workforce and fluid workday are becoming integral to most teams. Gen-Z wants a healthy mix of in-person and remote experiences.

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Well-being: young adults prioritize their well-being, making it a key metric that impacts their performance, engagement, and decisions. Empathy is highly valued.

¹"The Future Chief People Officer: Imagine. Invent. Ignite.", Society for Human Resource Management (2020)

²"Taking Flight: How to Maximize the Potential of Career-Connected Learning", Bain & Company

A View into Future-Proof Career Pathways

The fastest-growing job categories are 6x more likely to pay over $100,000, least likely to be displaced by automation, and 3.5x as likely to require high-level skills compared to the slowest-growing ones.¹

Computer, Info Technology, Engineering

The Fastest Growing, Highest-Paying Careers (2021 - 2031)²

Job Title

Growth Rate


Information security analyst

Data scientist




AR developer



Software developer, Quality assurance analyst, Tester



Data analyst



Web developer

Computer & info research scientist

Computer & info systems manager

Chemical engineer

The Fastest Growing Skills for each Sector (2016 - 2031)³


Growth Rate

Handdrawn Doodle Lines

Advanced IT & programming

Basic digital skills


Leadership & managing others

Tech design, engineering, maintenance

Scientific research & development

Advanced data analysis & math skills

Adaptability & continuous learning

Complex info processing & interpretation

Critical thinking & decision making

Project management









Nurse practitioner, Nurse anesthetist, Nurse midwife

Medical & health services manager

Physician assistant

Speech-language pathologist


Genetic counselor

Physical therapist

Medical scientist


Handdrawn Doodle Lines

Basic digital skills

Leadership & managing others

Interpersonal skills & empathy

Scientific research & development

Adaptability & continuous learning

Complex info processing & interpretation

Critical thinking & decision making

Project management








*There's a shortage of medical doctors but physician job growth for 2021-2031 is 3% (slower than average) because there's a limit on the number of residencies, which limits the number of practicing physicians. Competition remains high and it takes an average of 10-14 years to become a licensed physician (undergraduate (4 yrs), medical school (4 yrs), residency (3 yrs)).²


Product manager



Operations research analyst


Financial examiner

Market research analyst

Financial manager

Personal financial advisor

Agent/business manager of artist, performer, athlete

Handdrawn Doodle Lines

Basic digital skills


Leadership & managing others

Entrepreneurship & initiative-taking

Interpersonal skills & empathy

Advanced communication & negotiation

Advanced data analysis & math skills

Adaptability & continuous learning

Complex info processing & interpretation

Critical thinking & decision making

Project management










¹"Taking Flight: How to Maximize the Potential of Career-Connected Learning", Bain & Company

²U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

³McKinsey Global Institute's Skill Shift Automation and the Future of the Workforce

"Product Management Hiring Trends in the US - 2019 report", Agile Insider

Gateway School Spotlights

Meet Norman Kim-Senior, the Director of Externships and Spanish teacher at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia.

In May 2023, Gateway trained and placed Episcopal’s student in a medical internship with Fairfax Clinic and ProHealth Medical Center. The student won the Episcopal’s Externship Award out of 350 graduating students. In 2024, we are expanding our partnership to support 125 seniors and faculty members.

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How do you think Gateway’s partnership benefits students, faculties, and the school?

Because Gateway is closer to the employer, you are closer to the immediate challenges that they're facing. You have a set of information that we don't have. I'm hoping that you can bridge that information gap and ensure that all the good intention, love, and passion that exists on campus for students is being appropriately directed. When I introduce a business or a person into Episcopal, it needs to be someone and a company that can honor that. You’re coming to be a part of our family.

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Meet Dr. Jim Egenrieder, College of Engineering Research Faculty & Director of Virginia Tech Thinkabit Labs STEM Education and Workforce Development programs (part of the Virginia Tech’s Center for Enhancement of Engineering Diversity).

Since July 2023, the Virginia Tech Thinkabit Labs has been hosting four Gateway interns to conduct STEM research projects, increasing the capacity for Dr. Egenrieder to mentor students remotely.

Gateway and Virginia Tech are partnering as semi-finalists in the Department of Education’s Career Z Challenge to expand work-based learning for over 3,000 high school students.

Education is the Stepping Stone to One’s Career

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, higher educational degrees are associated with lower unemployment rates and higher pay.


87% of high-growing and high-paying careers (above) require students to have at least a bachelor’s degree. If this is a student’s desired path, then it’s important to start planning for college.

How to Choose the “Right” Fit?

Most Important Reason Student Enrolled at Choice

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Research tells us that the most successful students are the ones who actively engage in the undergraduate experience.¹


It’s a personal decision, so students should choose the program that maximizes the value of their education, time, and outcomes.

Source: Eduventures Research

¹"The first step to choosing the ‘right’ college? Ignore the rankings, says Stanford researcher”, Stanford Graduate School of Education

Circle Check

Understand the Urgency for Career Education

As Americans continue to attain higher education, we must recognize that there’s a rapidly widening “skills gap”, in which employers are struggling to hire appropriately trained workers.


of companies say they have skills gaps, or expect to within a few years¹


of employees say their company is upskilling²

Job markets change and so must educational systems.

We are all responsible for guiding students in exploring the most promising possibilities, preparing them early on, and developing in-demand skills.

Students Crave More Effective and Relevant Preparation

Request High School Transcript Isolated Cartoon Vector Illustrations.
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Timely, relevant, and motivating guidance is overdue

¹"Five Fifty: The Skillful Corporation”, McKinsey

²"What 52,000 people think about work today”, PwC

³"Question the Quo", ECMC Group

⁴"Learning from Student Voice: Are Students Engaged?", Youth Truth Student Survey

⁵"The pandemic changed the plans of many 2022 high school graduates", The Hill

⁶"National survey: Students' feelings about high school are mostly negative", Yale


Capture the Momentum

Space Innovation

How Students, Schools, and Employers can be at the Forefront of Innovation

No longer can we wait for innovation to happen around us, we need to be at the center driving it.

What are the values and benefits that we can harness?

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Providing the Opportunities

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Assessing Gateway’s Impact

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Implementing WBL for Employers & Schools

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Providing the Opportunities

The textbooks of yesterday limit students to learning theories in the classroom, whereas the textbooks of today and tomorrow immerse students in real-world experiences.

In order for students to be future-ready, we need to give them front-row seats to what's happening on the world stage. This means:

  • Accessing forward-thinking employers.
  • Exploring the most promising and suitable careers.
  • Staying up-to-date on industry and hiring trends.
  • Engaging fully in learning experiences.

High-quality work-based learning engages students' attention and deepens their learning experience while providing life-changing value.

Internships and other WBL experiences help students explore careers, gain valuable skills, and apply their learning with the guidance of employers, mentors, and school faculties.

The Ideal Career Preparation Journey

2. Experience

Learn and upskill through WBL experiences.

4. Plan

Decide on a post-secondary path with greater clarity.

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1. Explore

Gain insights, knowledge, and expectations for career exploration.

3. Reflection

Continuously evaluate own preferences and learnings.

5. Graduate

Confidently dive into next steps of education and career.

Work-Based Learning Experiences

The definition and requirements for WBL experiences may change depending on the state and school division. Below are examples that can be offered to learners.



Recommended Grades

Key Benefits

Offer time and services to organizations without compensation to contribute to communities.

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College
  • Make a positive impact on society and personal growth.
  • Develop essential skills.
  • Network with like-minded individuals.



Recommended Grades

Key Benefits

A supportive relationship with a more experienced individual to gain insights and guidance in a specific field.

  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College
  • Gain an understanding of a particular field or career.
  • Receive personalized feedback and advice to achieve goals.
  • Build deeper connections.



Recommended Grades

Key Benefits

Spend a few weeks observing and participating in daily operations of an organization.


  • High School
  • College
  • See how theory and classroom learning apply in practice.
  • Build professional connections.
  • Enhance relevant skills.


Recommended Grades

Key Benefits

Structured work experience to gain practical skills from a few weeks to several months.

  • High School
  • College
  • Acquire skills and competencies.
  • Boost resume and network.
  • Clarify career goals.



Recommended Grades

Key Benefits

Structured training program to gain hands-on experience across several months to years.

  • 11th & 12th
  • College
  • Often earn a wage.
  • Achieve industry-recognized certifications or qualifications.
  • Enhance employability.

Gateway Student Spotlights

Meet Rhiannon Stevens, a Senior at South Lakes High School in Reston, Virginia. Rhiannon was a remote, Digital Media Intern at Alive Podcast Network for two months over the summer of 2023.

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What did you learn throughout the internship?

I was able to challenge my editing and designing skills in a professional workspace, but I also learned how to communicate with my boss, delegate tasks to my teammates, and manage my time responsibly. Learning all these things and how to keep a work-life balance as a high schooler was extremely insightful.

How has the internship impacted you?

It solidified my pursuit of graphic design when I was uncertain about my career path. After this experience, I feel much more confident entering other internships and jobs in the future.

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Meet Grace Hong, a Senior at Chantilly High School in Chantilly, Virginia. Grace was a remote, Product Marketing Intern at Meridian Health for two months over the summer of 2023.

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What is one aspect of the internship that you like most?

I loved how I was able to meet new people and make connections as well as diving deep into market researching and all the things that goes on behind the scenes for a company.

5 out of 5 for an overall excellent experience of the program

5 out of 5 for extremely likely to recommend this internship to others

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Meet Jania Tasker, a Freshman at Spelman College majoring in Health Science in Atlanta, Georgia. Jania was an in-person, Medical Extern at Fairfax Clinic and ProHealth Medical Center for three weeks in May 2023 during her senior year at Episcopal High School.

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How has the internship been influential in your life?

The internship got me out of my shell, helping me build my growth mindset for my career, friendships, and academics. My health science major requires me to have research and clinical experience every year, this internship gave me a headstart - how to talk to doctors and professionals, look for internships and connections, and hold myself accountable.

What was the most important thing you learned?

I learned how to perform EKGs on my own and medical terminologies through observation, which will be super helpful to for my MCAT and medical school.

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Metrics & KPIs to Evaluate Work-Based Learning Impact

Key measures to track and improve the quality of WBL experiences for employers, schools, and students, using program data.

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Skills & Competencies

Career & Educational Outcomes

Evaluation & Feedback

1. Workplace Readiness (Durable) Skills

Personal qualities & abilities, interpersonal skills, and professional competencies.

2. Certifications & Credentials

Number of students obtaining industry-recognized credentials.

3. Application of Academic & Technical Content

Classroom instruction connected to career pathways, and high school/postsecondary credits.

1. Placement & Completion Rate

Percentage of students who obtain and complete WBL experiences.

2. Academic & Career Planning and Achievement

Comparing academic plans and performance before & after WBL experience, as well as wages and other forms of compensation.

3. Continued Education & Career

Measurement of participant’s further education, training, or career opportunities after completion.

1. Program Quality

Employer engagement in program design, student satisfaction, and Net Promoter Scores.

2. Employer Evaluation

Employer scoring and assessment of students’ performance, knowledge, and skills.

3. Student Self-Assessment & Reflection

Self-assessment and reflection on students’ own skills and performance.

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Diversity & Inclusion

Community Impact

1. Demographic Representation

Diversity of participants’ background.

1. Schools & Students Engagement

Number and percentage of students and schools participating.

2. Inclusion

Underrepresented groups having equitable access to WBL.

2. Employer Engagement

Number and types of employers.

3. Return on Investment

Financial and social benefits of the program compared to costs and contributions.

Circle Check

Assessing & Comparing Gateway’s Impact

Below are the highlight statistics from 33 students and 12 employers who participated in Gateway’s internship and workshops program from January to October 2023, compared to the education and human resources industry. Request mailinh@careergateway.io for the full data report.

Gateway’s Key Metrics


Average percent change in Gateway students’ self-assessment of Workplace Readiness Skills (e.g. communication, time management, career, creativity, and others).


Net Promoter Score of Gateway: students’ experience metric measuring their loyalty and satisfaction (ranging from -100 to 100).


Employers “agree” or “strongly agree” that Gateway students perform well in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and professionalism.


of students who participate in Gateway’s program secure a career opportunity (e.g. internship, externship, research) in their field of interest.

Compared to Industry’s Metrics


Average percent change in students’ Employability & Career Skills from Massachusetts’ WBL program¹.


Net Promoter Score average of educational institutions operating in the education industry².


Employers rate the performance of students whom they hired after graduation as “adequate”, in which only 0.2% rated “excellent”.


of high school students had completed internships³, and 22% of college students participate in internships.⁴

Gateway’s students and employers span across 8 U.S. states and 3 countries globally

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South Carolina
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Gateway Students’ Composition


Women participants


Asian participants


Two or More Races participants


Black participants


Hispanic participants


White participants

U.S. Labor Force Composition


Women employees⁴


Asian employees⁵


Two or More Races employees⁵


Black employees⁵


Hispanic employees⁵


White employees⁵

Gateway Employers’ Composition









U.S. Employers Composition









¹"Connecting Activities Annual Report 2021", MassConnecting

²"NPS Benchmarks for 2022: Good Net Promoter Scores by Industry”, Survicate

³"Are They Really Ready To Work?”, The Conference Board

⁴"Labor force participation rate for women highest in the District of Columbia in 2022", U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

⁵"Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity", U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

⁶"Census Bureau Releases New Data on Minority-Owned, Veteran-Owned and Women-Owned Businesses”, U.S. Census Bureau

⁷”Who is driving Black business growth? Insights from the latest data on Black-owned businesses”, Brookings

Circle Check

Implementing WBL for Employers & Schools

To create an innovative, inspiring, and well-skilled future workforce, employers must actively invest in the development of the next generation.

Winning organizations are:

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Committed in advancing the local economy and community.

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Enthusiastic to develop the next generation and close the skill gap.

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Entrepreneurial, open to new ideas, and adaptable to the changing business environment.

Employer Benefits & Return on Investment for WBL


Be an industry leader in closing the skills gap.


Build a better-prepared, diverse pipeline of talents.

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Derive value, insights, and creativity from student's contribution.


Generate favorable visibility in the community.


Improve leadership skills, retention, and morale.


Form positive relationships and maximize impact with schools and families nationwide.

How WBL Programs Work

Employers can choose the type of WBL experience they want to offer depending on the level of effort, commitment, and objective.

The goal is to make WBL simple and valuable for both employers and students.

After students complete WBL experiences, employers can further connect and recruit them for other opportunities, such as part-time internships, full-time jobs, and more.

For example, each internship is estimated to be about one to three months for the summer and three to six months for the fall and spring semesters. Employers set the criteria and we take care of the rest in partnership with schools. Each internship plan has these four steps:





Agree on Terms

The employer, Gateway, and school align on the terms of a well-defined contractual agreement and WBL scope and details.

Gateway & Schools Recruit Qualified Students

Gateway partners with schools to recruit qualified students through an application process to recommend to employers for the final interview and decision-making.

Gateway & Schools Train and Support Students & Employers

When students get accepted to WBL experiences, we provide training on technical skills and support all parties throughout the experience with our mentorship.

Gateway & Schools Gather Evaluation & Feedback

To conclude the experience, evaluation and feedback forms are completed by employers and students to assess the program’s impact and improve it.

Gateway Employer Spotlights

Meet Alexander Deeb, the Co-founder & CEO of ClassHook - an edtech platform used by thousands of teachers worldwide to find valuable educational content in movies and TV shows.

Hosted 2 Gateway interns over the summer of 2023

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What did you think of Gateway’s pre-internship training?

4.5 out of 5 for the likelihood of recommending Gateway’s interns for future employment opportunities.

"The training is more comprehensive than I initially thought. Amazing! Thank you!"

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Meet Aishwarya Tare, the Founder & CEO of Meridian Health - a healthcare platform enabling end-to-end, whole-person care for GenZ right in their campus communities.

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Hosted 1 Gateway intern over the summer of 2023

What was your intern’s strengths during the internship?

Grace is very willing to learn new concepts that she has never been exposed to, and comes to work with an open mind. Her writing skills are very strong, and her storytelling skills have evolved quickly. Her application of new skills she's learned to the work that she was doing in such a quick time was very impressive. And lastly, I found that she had a great, positive attitude, respected professional decorum, communicated her availability, and had an infectious enthusiasm in bringing her own personal circle into her work.

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Meet Dr. Viet Nguyen, the Medical Director & Primary Care Physician at Fairfax Clinic - a comprehensive healthcare center that provides compassionate, convenient, and quality patient care for adult patients.

Hosted 5 Gateway interns from May - August 2023

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“Agree” and “Strongly Agree”

that all Gateway interns performed well in patient care, critical thinking/problem solving, communication, collaboration/teamwork, and professionalism.

4.7 out of 5 for the likelihood of recommending Gateway’s interns for future employment opportunities.

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With Gateway, schools can become a place where:

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SCALABLE WBL PROGRAMS are empowered by data-driven DECISIONS

Faculty easily create, advertise, and track WBL programs. Students can also gain instant access to Gateway’s database of experts and WBL opportunities in one convenient and user-friendly platform.

No matter their background and starting point, students can learn about workplace expectations and gain essential skills from on-demand resources to thrive in any WBL experience.

Serving hundreds to thousands of students is more manageable with safe technology to automate data collection and analysis, leading to better-informed decisions to improve student outcomes.

Implementing Positive Change for Schools

Partnering with Gateway can lead to sustainable and scalable career and technical education for schools. After the pilot's successful completion, we will assess the results and plan for an evergreen launch.






Identify Pilot Needs

  • Introduce and involve key stakeholders in the pilot planning (e.g. school administrators, counselors, WBL coordinators, and teachers).
  • Determine the grades and number of students to access Gateway.
  • Create a roadmap to integrate Gateway into college and career counseling and classrooms.

Secure Platform

  • Address and ensure privacy standards for all users (school staff and students).
  • Identify options to integrate our platform with student and staff databases.

Onboard Staff

  • Gateway trains staff in a time-saving and cost-effective manner to effectively use Gateway's dashboard and support students in their journey.

Onboard Students

  • Gateway provides easy-to-use and motivating training tools to support students and faculties using Gateway.
  • Gateway and school execute marketing campaigns for students to onboard.

Measure Pilot Outcomes

  • Track metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) from Gateway's dashboard.
  • Gateway conducts feedback surveys, focus groups, and interviews with students, parents, and school stakeholders to continuously improve the user experience.


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Enact Change Now

From Problem to Solution, There's No Time to Waste

Work-based learning can help solve students' challenges of transitioning from schooling to a promising career. What is the long-term impact we can expect?

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Positioning the U.S. to Win Globally

Circle Check

Positioning the U.S. to Win Globally

While the U.S. unemployment rate is in its lowest range, huge gaps still persist between employers' need for skilled talent and workforce experience.

The U.S. Current State

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50 Million

job postings that offer competitive salaries and are less vulnerable to automation struggle to get filled by qualified talents.¹

#2 #3

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The U.S. is projected to drop from its #2 spot to #3, with China and India surpassing the U.S. GDP by 2050.²


more likely that young adults (ages 16-24) in the U.S. are unemployed than the general population at a 9% youth unemployment rate, compared to Switzerland at 2.4%.³

For the U.S. to remain at the top of the global economy, the American people, schools, and employers need to work together to accelerate qualified talent and innovation.

Let’s actively prepare the future workforce and enhance the future U.S. labor market.

How Community Partners can Employ a Winning Strategy


Prioritize Career Outcomes

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Target future-proof career development.

Offer diverse opportunities.

Expand equitable career pathways.


Invest in Young Talents


Support student career development.

Reward corporate social responsibility and community engagement.

Develop a diverse talent pathway.

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Let's Get To Work!

¹"Taking Flight: How to Maximize the Potential of Career-Connected Learning", Bain & Company

²"Shift of Global Economic Power to Emerging Economies Set to Continue in Long Run", PwC

³U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

©2024 Gateway. All rights reserved.

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