Make an Impressive LinkedIn
Most students don’t know how to utilize LinkedIn to their advantage. This is a sure way to get you noticed.
2 hours to complete
Create the Basics
LinkedIn is a must-have for a young professional!
👉 Only if you’re over 16, create a LinkedIn account here using your personal (non-school) email that you’ll keep all your professional correspondence.
Before you get started on LinkedIn, let’s quickly learn about the consequences of creating a LinkedIn profile. Exercise caution and be mindful of the following:
⚠️ Personal Information Exposure: avoid oversharing personal information like home addresses or phone numbers.
⚠️ Privacy Settings: review and customize the settings available to your comfort level, such as allowing who can find and message you.
Edit Privacy
⚠️ Profile Visibility: even with privacy settings, certain info on your profile may still be visible to the public. Review your profile visibility settings to ensure you’re comfortable with the accessible info.
Edit Visibility
Our recommendation is to make your profile viewing option “private mode” so others can’t see that you’ve viewed their profile. Then, click on “Edit your public profile” to update the following settings.
Choose the mode that best suits your needs
Edit the URL to make it readable, concise, yet still specific to your professional self.
Turn on or off certain sections within your profile
Now that we got those important considerations out of the way... dive into your basics! Take a look at one of my basic sections:
Edit Background Photo
Edit Photo
Edit Intro
Here’s an example from one of our past interns at Gateway:
A step-by-step guide to edit your LinkedIn profile
You can split your computer screen to edit your LinkedIn profile side by side.
1. Edit your intro
2. Upload a professional photo
3. Select a background photo
Good examples include the city you’re from, your school, or interest: