Standing out from the crowd concept


Create a Rockstar Resume

Wonder what it takes to stand out in a crowd of applicants? We have examples and templates to get you started.

1 hour to complete

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Tailor Your Resume to the Opportunity (Create New Opportunity)

You’ve selected that you’re creating a new opportunity! Let’s go through this scenario step-by-step below to help you tailor your resume.


🤔 You're interested in a marketing externship and your first choice is one at a tech company

1. Make a copy of your resume and name it “Your Full Name Resume_Interest”

  • Ex. MaiLinh Ho Resume_Marketing
  • This helps you quickly identify the resume that is relevant to your field of interest.

2. Modify your education, experience, projects, awards/achievements, and skills sections to keep within 1 page.

  • Include only those that are relevant to your field of interest, which would make it easier for you to further tailor your resume to any existing opportunities in the same field.
  • Include as many keywords that are relevant to your field of interest. You can Google or ask ChatGPT to give you a list of keywords that are relevant to the field. For example, ChatGPT gave me these keywords that are relevant for marketing:

& more!

This is my revised resume based on my interest and preference

As you can see, I only included those that are relevant to marketing and tech. Highlighted are the changes and additions I made based on the keywords.