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Answer Common Questions

Prepare for popular, common questions you’ll encounter one way or another.

45 minutes to complete

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How To Answer Background Questions

We’re going to break down the most 3 common background questions.

1. Tell me about yourself

If you’re like us, this is the question that we often time dread the most when first meeting someone 😬

Like... what about myself?!

But as always, we have a super straightforward framework below for you.

The more you prepare, trust us, the better it will get.






  • Exude Confident Body Language: take up space, put your shoulders back, make eye contact, and place your hands on your lap.
  • Be Concise: introduce yourself in less than 60 seconds! We’ve had many candidates who ramble, which really doesn’t benefit them.

👉 Required Task: Review the introduction framework and write bullet points of how you’ll respond.

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2. Please tell me about your strengths and weaknesses

question template

You might be thinking... why do interviewers ask this?

THey want to

Root for you!

They’re giving you a chance to vocalize your self-awareness about your great attributes and how they can best manage you since it’s normal to have weaknesses so that they can assess you for a role that plays to your strengths.

Common Mistakes

👎 Stating only characteristics: it’s hard for interviewers to believe you have those qualities.

👎 Being too humble: acknowledging others is important but this should focus on yourself.

👎 Stating weaknesses as strengths: don’t try to dodge the question and answer the typical “I’m a perfectionist”.

👉 Required Task: Review the answer framework and write bullet points of how you’ll respond.

3. How would you describe your working style?

Do: understand that no work style is right or wrong!

Don’t: focus on the traits that are not in line with the personality they seek and ramble on.

👉 Required Task: Review the answer framework and write bullet points of how you’ll respond.

Remember to also brush up on why you’re interested in the role at the organization. Review your cover letter 😉